Exploring Science

Mobomo was hired by NASA SMD to fully redesign and develop NASA SMD's site to engaged the science community through the latest research and discoveries.

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Screenshot of NASA SMD homepage
Design Services
My Role
UI Designer
Year Completed

The Objective

The new design was to move from a static information resource to a dynamic science news destination. Moreover, NASA SMD wanted their beautiful photos in space as the centerpiece. Mobomo took on the task of designing, developing, migrating their new site. Launching the new site in fall 2016. My role was the lead UI designer for the project. Working with key stakeholders in simplifying their navigation through usability testing. Working on a new approach to have the site be more news-oriented.

  • Created various style titles to capture the new look and feel of the site. Showcasing unique color pallets for each section of the site.
  • Ran Open, Closed, & Reverse Card Sorts in reorganizing the site navigation into new top-level categories.
  • Wireframed and designed over 12 unique templates required to build the site.
  • Created a Style Guide / Component Library of all the UI elements, components, and widgets that make up the site.

Project Highlights

Early Wireframes

Screenshots of the early wireframes of NASA SMD

Final Designs

Screenshots of the final designs of NASA SMD



NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD) engages the United States’ science community, sponsors scientific research, and develops and deploys satellites and probes in collaboration with NASA's partners around the world to answer fundamental questions requiring the view from and into space.

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