User Research & Discovery

We completed an UX evaluation and user research for

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Wireframes of the NCUA homepage
Design Services
My Role
Year Completed

The Objective

Scott and Josh were Mobomo UX designers that spent three month auditing site. Working key stakeholders to identify the goals, objectives, and anti-goals from their audit. Capturing base assumptions about NCUA’s users, which they later confirm through user interviews. Reviewing NCUA content and data. Mobomo delivered user persona’s, journey maps, and wireframes of impactful design changes that improve the general user experience of

  • Google analytics audit to identify traffic patterns and highlight potential on key pages.
  • Content Audit using Screaming Frog to identify content issues, broken links, and created a summary of the type of content found on
  • Conducted user interviews of 20 user interviews, which Josh would turn them into user personas and journey maps.
  • Ran surveys using SurveyMonkey to capture the types of content and general pain points of users.
  • Wireframed concepts addressing the issues we uncovered during our discovery process.

Project Highlights

Mega Menu Concept

Rebuild the navigation to allow better content discovery after users said it was difficult to find information.

Screenshots of the mega menu


We refresh the homepage to better inform the general public NCUA role as well as adding quick links to help each user type to popular links. Next we add breadcrumbs and sub-navigation to the page to help guide users to how the content is organized. We made the regulation directors more dynamic and easier to search and sort content. Last, we slimmed down the section pages by reducing the image sizes after learning that users didn’t like to scroll for graphics that didn’t provide any context.

Screenshots of the homepage, section, article, directory, and credit union profile



The National Credit Union Administration is one of two agencies that provide deposit insurance to depositors in U.S. depository institutions, the other being the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures commercial banks and savings institutions.

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